Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Fulton Speedway

Fulton Speedway could end up becoming my favorite track as I frequent it more and more. It's one of the few tracks that doesn't have a crazy group of fans anywhere in the stands, but it doesn't need any extra entertainment. The track itself has some of the best racing available anywhere.

The facility is very nice, highlighted by a huge set of bleachers that stretch from turn 4 all the way to turn 1. The one thing they could do with the facility is re-painting a large wall outside of the track that keeps cheap fans from catching a free race. The wall could make the track look even tidier if it were properly maintained. Currently, it seems like it may fall down at any moment, and needs lots of paint.

Fulton Speedway also features, in my opinion, the best weekly field of drivers in 2010. The track also sees car counts in the mid 30s every week. The track itself also allows for drivers to win the races after starting in the back every week.

Fulton also has a very good track record of running shows through fast, and getting fans home at a reasonable hour. That's one of the most important things that a lot of tracks fail to do, even the biggest race fans in the world get bored when tracks take an hour to maintain the track during the night, getting the fans home early will only encourage them to return.

My favorite place to sit for the race is coming off of turn 4. It gives a good vantage point of the track without anything obstructing the view. I also enjoy sitting in the turns when I can, as the turns are where most of the passing takes place. Sitting in turn 4 at Fulton also gives you a great vantage point of seeing which cars are tiptoeing through the turn, and letting off really early, and which cars are throwing the car hard through the turns, and lifting very late.

Fulton Speedway's biggest race of the year is the SUNY Cantun 200. My first ever appearance at the track in 2008 was for the big race, and it was one of the best races I've ever seen. Danny Johnson ended up winning the race, but, Dave Camara, Paul Kinney, Brett Hearn, Billy Decker, Ronnie Johnson, Alan Johnson, Matt Sheppard, and Ryan Phelps all swapped the lead over the last 50 laps. Johnson ended up passing Camara will less than 10 laps to go. It wasn't the most thrilling finish, but, throughout the entire race, the entire track was being used, and passes throughout the track were being made left and right. Throughout the entire race I honestly had no idea who was going to win the race.

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